Austin, TX – The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) is accepting comment on the proposed Fiscal Year 2019 Research Agenda of the Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group (REG).

Texas Labor Code §405.0026 requires the REG to publish a proposed research agenda annually in the Texas Register for commissioner review and approval. Under Texas Labor Code §405.0026, the commissioner must accept public comments on the proposed research agenda and hold a public hearing on the research agenda if a hearing is requested.

Under Texas Labor Code §405.0025, the REG is charged with conducting professional studies and research related to:

  • 1) the delivery of benefits;
  • 2) litigation and controversy related to workers’ compensation;
  • 3) insurance rates and ratemaking procedures;
  • 4) rehabilitation and reemployment of injured employees;
  • 5) the quality and cost of medical benefits;
  • 6) employer participation in the workers’ compensation system;
  • 7) employment health and safety issues; and
  • 8) other matters relevant to the cost, quality, and operational effectiveness of the workers’ compensation system.

The proposed agenda will be published in the September 28, 2018 issue of the Texas Register and will be available here once published. A copy of the proposed research agenda will also be available on the TDI website at

If you wish to comment on the proposed Fiscal Year 2019 Research Agenda or request a public hearing, you must do so in writing no later than 5 p.m. CST on Monday, October 29, 2018. A hearing request must be on a separate page from any written comments. DWC requires two copies of your comments or hearing request.

Send one copy by mail to:
Ashley Hyten
Office of General Counsel MS – 15
Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation
7551 Metro Center Drive, Suite 100
Austin, Texas 78744 – 1645
or by email to

Send the other copy by mail to:
D.C. Campbell
Director of the Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group
Texas Department of Insurance
Mail Code 107-WC
P.O. Box 149104
Austin, Texas 78714-9104
or by email to

If the commissioner holds a hearing, the commissioner will also consider written and oral comments presented at the hearing.

Questions about the proposed agenda may be sent to D.C. Campbell at

Source: TDI-DWC