“I walked into a fabrication company that was “very satisfied with their agent of 20 years” until I asked about their work comp program – and the truth came out. The wife’s owner told me that they’d been unable to do business with DuPont and other large customers due to their mod of 1.02. I immediately asked for their mod worksheet and put AcuComp to work – demonstrating how their mod would have been affected had AcuComp been implemented four years ago. As expected, the PDAR proved that the company’s Emod would have been much less than a 1.00 and that the loss of potential revenue could have possibly been salvaged if AcuComp had been implemented. I left the office with a “BOR” on all lines of coverage on a $15,000 commission account, breaking a 20 year relationship with the current agent. AcuComp has opened many doors. When this service is presented correctly, PRICE is completely taken out of the equation!”

– David McKinnon, CWCU
Commercial Producer
Bottrell Insurance